Wednesday 23 November 2011

Day Fourteen

Today, I sold three batches of fifteen silkworms.
Persistence is paying off.
I have been listing them on a community facebook page so I have sold four batches through this listing.
Because the weather has remained cool (it's 13.6 oC outside tonight) the silkworms do become less active.  I have switched the heating on so they will be alright.

The two plastic shopping bags full of mulberry leaves that Mr Honey Pie picked and which I posted about yesterday are almost gone.
My Dear Daughter took some for her silkworms while mine have continued on their feeding frenzy despite the cooler weather.
DD has commented on how Grand Daughter is showing responsibility by for her pets by feeding the silkworms herself.  She is only four years old.
By being responsible for her fifteen pets, she can demonstrate that she might actually be ready to have her own larger furry a cat or a dog.
By the way, the silkworm larvae are no longer furry.
Their skin is smooth now and are a much lighter colour.
Some of the larvae are moulting again.  Second or third moult?  I'm not sure,  but probably third.
The fourth moult is the final one and after the fourth moult, the silkworm, once mature, begins to spin a cocoon using a silk filament.
The silk filament is actually the silkworm's saliva.
The next stage, that is when the cocoon is formed, is called the pupa stage.

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