Sunday 27 November 2011

Day Eighteen

As far as the silkworms are concerned, things are not that different today from how they were yesterday.
A lot of moults have been left behind on the old leaves.  The silkworms are growing.
The rhythm of feeding, transferring from one tank to the other, cleaning thanks and feeding again, is running smoothly.
Weekend visitors have been amazed by the sight of hundreds of silkworms in a feeding frenzy.
My Grand Daughter has enjoyed placing fresh leaves into the tanks and watching the silkworms devouring the them.
The rate at which the mulberry leaves are being consumed has increased noticeably.
Our son M reluctantly took some silkworms home with him in the hope that friends might be interested in having some of their own.
Despite the numbers that have been sold or given away, the quantity does not seem to have been diminished at all.

My Grand Daughter slept over last night.
This morning to continue the theme of sericulture we did some Mulberry leaf paintings.  
It all seems to be about mulberry leaves at the moment.

This picture was painted with mulberry leaves loaded with water colours. 

Same picture edited in PhotoImpressions and then Picasa.

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